Happy Monday friends! #CleanLittleEats lunch today is accidentally super fallish!
I’m not one to plan elaborate lunches. Every now and then for a special occasion yes but 98% of the time it’s grab and go every am. I spend maybe 5-10 minutes tops. It doesn’t need to be super complicated. Kids are pretty easy to please. Lots of color and an item from every food group
The container is Planetbox

Gouda Grilled Cheese Sandwich Kids Lunchbox- Grilled gouda cheese sandwich with honey whole wheat + Rainbow carrots + apples w/ Almond Butter Kids Lunch by Clean Eats & Treats
- Snap pea crisps
- Rainbow baby carrots
- Honeycrisp apples & almond butter
- A grilled gouda cheese sandwich on honey whole wheat
- Provolone leaves
- Candy corns for balance!
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